Tracking Solutions
We provide extremely accurate (10cm) real-time 3D (or 2D or 2,5D) position or proximity tracking of objects or people as an OEM. With our tracking solution, you can provide accurate timing, augmented experiences, security, and more. Even in non-line-of-sight conditions.
Get your assets tracked using our extremely accurate ultra-wideband (UWB) tracking solution (RTLS), based on TDOA and TWR algorithms. This information can be used to obtain better performance, more security or more safety.
We can act as a technology provider (we provide an API), allowing seamless integration into your company’s solution. Inquire about partnerships with RTLOC.
Ultra-wideband can offer more accurate tracking than existing RF solutions, with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Follow these links for more details on our system or the used technology, and a comparison to other localization technologies: